International Women in Engineering Day

23 June 2023
Michał Bajorek
How did you become a Business Process Team Manager? What made you choose this particular career direction?

Karolina: After studying engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology, I chose a direction in line with my education. What opened up new development opportunities for me was participation in the implementation of the FCA 2.0 strategic project, which aimed to increase organizational and management potential in the company.

The support of the Board of Directors, the openness of people inside the organization to the transformation, and the perseverance of the process team meant that today we talk freely about process optimization topics. We are no longer afraid of the “x-ray of the company”, which is a source of knowledge about the organization, and we use it effectively to diagnose.

The Business Process Team is a partner in optimization, process automation and support in maintaining management systems. My Superiors saw the right mix of process knowledge and team management skills. This is how I became a Manager.

What challenges do you face in your daily work? Which ones do you find most interesting?

Karolina: On a daily basis, one can encounter a wide variety of difficulties and challenges, both when identifying or analyzing processes and when conducting optimization projects.

However, the most interesting are the reality embedded in permanent change and working with people who are committed and looking for improvements.

Who will work well for the position of Business Process Team Manager? What soft and hard skills are needed?

Karolina: A person who understands that processes are a system of intra-organizational relationships, and that the process approach is to look for new sources of efficiency gains in the organization. Knowledge of project management, analytical skills and patience with process mapping are also essential. Interpersonal skills, active listening, relationship-building, lessons learned and decisiveness are indispensable.

Technical professions are most often associated with men. How do you, as a woman, find your job?

Karolina: Profession doesn’t matter, what matters is competence. I once read an article in which the Managing Director recalled a saying that if there are 2 Poles there are 3 sentences, and if those 2 Poles are a woman and a man there are 5 sentences. It is important to choose the best directions, and the ideal would be to always lead to a “Win-Win situation”.

Development is participation, not competition- Gender is not an argument, and diversity allows for a broader view of a topic

What would you recommend to people who intend to become a Business Process Team Manager in the future?

Karolina: Take action today!

Karolina Stopka
Business Process Team Manager

+48 698 699 756


Karolina Stopka has extensive experience in digitalization, optimization, and improvement of business processes, as well as in team coordination and management of projects related to automation.

How did you become a product manager? What made you choose this particular career direction?

Aleksnadra: My career at FCA started inconspicuously – I started with a summer job in production, and after graduation I started working full time. In the meantime, I moved to the Quality Control department, where I decided to study engineering. After some time, I was offered a development opportunity in the Passive Products Department. First as an assistant, and later as Product Manager.


Who will perform well in the position of Product Manager? What soft and hard skills are needed?

Aleksandra: In my opinion, anyone who has a bit of willingness to expand their knowledge and skills can prove themselves in this position. Certainly from the hard skills, substantive knowledge is necessary, as well as practical skills, while from the soft skills, communication skills, creativity and good organization of work are key.


Technical professions are most often associated with men. How do you, as a woman, find your job?

Aleksandra: It’s true, technical professions are predominantly male-dominated, so it’s a bit unusual to have a woman working in a technical department. However, I don’t feel any problem about this at FCA. I work very well in the company of experienced engineering colleagues 😊

In my opinion, it is important to promote diversity and equality in the workplace. Everyone, regardless of gender, should have the opportunity to develop their potential in their chosen career path.


What would you recommend to people who intend to become Product Managers in the future?

Aleksandra: I believe that, above all, work and experience make us competent people, so one should not be afraid of the challenges that lie ahead. One should take them up! A little willingness and commitment is a good way to success, not only for the position of Product Manager 😊


Aleksandra Substelna-Stopa
Product Manager

+48 504 410 574


Expert in the field of fiber optic components. She has been involved in the telecommunications industry since the beginning of her career. She gained her qualifications and knowledge by being part of FCA's fiber optic laboratory team. As Product Manager, she improves FCA's offerings, participating in many projects aimed at implementing new and innovative solutions.

What made you choose this particular field of study?

Daria: I was looking for the right career path for me. My field of study allowed me to learn about really different processes in companies and choose the ones that interested me the most. In retrospect, I think that these studies have given me a lot, and although I don’t work directly in my learned profession, the knowledge I’ve gained and the ways to solve problems make my job easier every day.


Technical majors are most often associated with men. How did you, as a woman, find your way in such a direction?

Daria: I think this association is changing. The sight of women at technical universities no longer surprises anyone, and their number is constantly growing. My studies were, so to speak, a combination of economic and technical sciences, so even then the ratio of men and women was similar.


Today you work in the marketing department, how does your education help you in your work?

Daria: My studies taught me to look for alternative and out-of-the-box solutions, to approach a problem holistically, and to always persevere to find a solution or a path towards it. These are definite assets in my daily work.


Daria Bernasik
Marketing Specialist





Marketing specialist, who primarily focuses on online activities at FCA.

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