MTP® connector for greater network capacity
9 August 2022

The digital transformation of the telecommunications market forces operators to ensure stable connectivity and high network performance. More customers and more services are the reasons why administrators are looking for profitable solutions to optimize their space and, consequently, their equipment.
The launch of a new MTP® connector termination line at FCA is the answer to these needs. Space savings, higher transfer rates (up to 400G), increased density, and shorter installation times are just a few of the many benefits of using this type of connector in your data processing facility.
Let’s start from the beginning. What is an MTP® connector?
MTP® stands for Multi-fiber Termination Push- which is a registered trademark of US Conec. The MTP® connector is an enhanced version of the MPO (Multifiber Push-On) connector, one of the data centre’s most widely used connectors. Both the MTP® and MPO connectors comply with the “IEC-61754-5” and “TIA-604-5 (FOCIS 5)” standards, confirming their compatibility. Moreover, the MTP® connector can be directly connected to the MPO fiber patchcord and devices equipped with such a connector. However, the MTP® connector significantly improves transmission and mechanical performance compared to MPO.
The MTP® connector is a high-performance fiber optic connector that guarantees the use of up to 24 fibers in a single connector. The patented MT floating ferrule design ensures the stability of the fiber connection. The MT (mechanical transferable) ferrule is made of a monolithic, precision glass-filled polymer. The high accuracy of the MT ferrule allows for low losses in each fiber, which contributes to precision stability and optimal alignment for superior transmission performance.
MTP® connectors come in two configurations: male and female. The male connector has pins, while the female connector has no pins at all. Two MTP® connectors connected to each other must have a male and female form, so the connection between MTP® connectors is precisely aligned.
These features make the MTP® connector ideal for Data Centers and server rooms. In these places, due to the ever-increasing volume of processed data, a solution is needed, affecting space optimization, guaranteeing the use of a large number of fibers and ensuring convenient installation.

What sets MTP® apart from other connectors?
Simple and quick installation
The installation of MTP® connectors is 75% faster than traditional fiber splicing.
An additional feature influences the time and convenience of installation. The number of fibers in an MTP® connector can be easily identified by the color of the boot, while the housing colour can identify the standard and type. Quick identification of the number of fibers significantly improves the installer’s work.
Configuration flexibility
MTP® PRO connectors have a removable housing, which significantly facilitates configuration flexibility. It makes it possible to change the configuration from male to female quickly. The push-pull function makes it easy to operate the connectors.
Stability of connection
MTP® connectors, compared to MPO connectors, improve transmission and mechanical properties. They are characterized by low attenuation (at 0.1 dB, up to a maximum of 0.35dB).
Their design is also unique. The oval spring of the MTP® connector minimizes the risk of fiber damage. The MTP® connector’s floating ferrule helps maintain the proper level when internal force is applied during splicing. The elliptical shape of the pin significantly reduces the wear caused by repeated insertion and removal of the connector, improving the stability and durability of the installation.
MTP® patchcords on OptiPack cable, or even more space optimization
MTP® connectors are made on Huber+Suhner’s OptiPack cable (CRP grade), resulting in significant space savings. Compared to the installation of single-fiber patchcords, the installation of MTP® multifiber patchcords on this type of cable saves as much as 85% of space.
MTP® patchcords can take the form of a trunk or jumper. We also offer MTP® fan-out patchcords. MTP® patchcords can also be mounted in Helios chassis – FCA’s proprietary product – which will further optimize and aestheticize rack space.
Comprehensive solution for Data Center, or MTP® in Helios hybrid patch panel
Helios is FCA’s proprietary solution for maintaining order in Data Center infrastructure. It enables the installation of MTP® connectors and thus the maximum number of fibers to be packed in one place.

MTP® in FCA’s portfolio
To respond even better to the needs of the telecommunications and Data Center market and to react faster to the changes occurring in it, we have launched a line of connector making MTP® connector terminations. At our production facility, we manufacture the highest quality MTP® 8, 12 and 24 fiber single-mode and multi-mode connectors, jumpers, trunks and fan-outs.
All patchcords with MTP® connectors in our offer belong to the premium class. They are characterized by even better transmission parameters, and thus meet even greater requirements of operators related to high-performance transmission.
Want to expand your network, save space and introduce easier cable management?
Contact us!
Ekspert praktyk z blisko 20-letnim doświadczeniem w pracy z produktami światłowodowymi. Odpowiedzialny za wprowadzanie nowych - często autorskich rozwiązań do oferty FCA. W swojej pracy kieruje się sumiennością i dbałością o każdy techniczny szczegół. Chętnie dzieli się swoją wiedzą. Wielokrotny prelegent branżowych konferencji. W FCA opiekuje się segmentem connectivity: pigtaile, patchcordy, adaptery.

Aleksandra Substelna-Stopa
+48 504 410 574
Expert in the field of fiber optic components. She has been involved in the telecommunications industry since the beginning of her career. She gained her qualifications and knowledge by being part of FCA's fiber optic laboratory team. As Product Manager, she improves FCA's offerings, participating in many projects aimed at implementing new and innovative solutions.