Baza wiedzy

How to increase the capacity of connections between sites without rebuilding?
Traffic on the network? Why do I have data transfer problems? The accelerated digital evolution and the consequent increased demand for access to a high-speed data and communications network can...

How can additional optical fibres be connected to a facility when the existing telecommunications conduits cannot be expanded?
Diagnosis of the problem: Dwindling room in the telecommunications conduits, no possibility of expansion. The necessity to connect additional fibres to the location. Solution proposed by FCA...

“POPC”: a recipe for success
Four contests were announced in recent years with a view to eliminate spots where broadband Internet does not reach. With the first-call projects already been completed, second-call ones are now...

A fibre optic post is the basic protection for outdoor cable connections. Do you know how to install it correctly?If not, or if you would like to verify your knowledge on the subject, check out the...

New services based on the existing infrastructure
Diagnosis of the problem: Service expansion plan, due to a relatively short execution time and problems related to obtaining infrastructure building permits. Defined objective: A Technical Director...

EASY INSTALL: Suspension of ADSS drop cable in FA-UOX-2-6 anchoring clamp
A seemingly simple task, but one that can cause many difficulties. What are we talking about? Suspending an ADSS cable in drop wire clamp. Its correct mounting can determine the quality of the entire...

EASY INSTALL: Half-patch panel P-PSP-G19-1U-6-SC/E2
The half patch panel, FCA's proprietary solution, is already in your hands? Great! This can only mean one thing: more space in your rack. Speaking of racks, do you already know how to properly...

Data multiplexing on a single fibre (GbE)
Diagnosis of the problem: Scalability and ease of expansion, simple operation and implementation, fast commissioning, low CAPEX and OPEX, management. Defined objective:Expanding GbE transmission...

EASY INSTALL: Fiber Optic Distribution Box FA-MP5
Overhead fibre optic distribution boxes, to which the FA-MP5 belongs, are structures that provide protection for the entire installation cabling. Their equipment consists of a number of steps which...