Poland’s first implementation of fibre monitoring in the energy industry

19 May 2021

Diagnosis of the problem:

The diagnosis of the physical condition of the customer’s fibre optic networks was difficult because the related network quality assessment was subjective and based solely on analyses of transmission measurements conducted on an annual basis. Information acquired from these analyses and periodic failures which took place particularly in the winter season did not reflect the actual state of the fibre optic routes. Furthermore, it was impossible to forecast where and when a potential failure may take place.

Defined objective:

The Teletransmission Department Director was searching for the possibility to constantly monitor the parameters of fibre optic routes and for a tool that would help him diagnose the most failure-prone network sections to make optimal decisions regarding modernisation.

Solution proposed by FCA experts:

Deployment of the NQMS system provided for constant monitoring of multiple optical fibres along sections longer than 150 km. As a result, monitoring covered the entire teletransmission network. The system allowed remote access to measurement devices located countrywide, and the resulting database made it possible to analyse the fibre optic routes on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, the solution provided for regionalisation of the network, assigning its respective sections to specific maintenance services.

Achieved results:

The system increased detectability of potential failures by 96% compared to one based on annual measurements and analyses. The system made it possible to reduce the failure rectification time by 43%. In addition, the solution provided for more efficient management of the maintenance schedule.

Fryderyk Kalamon
Head of Active Systems Department


698 699 776



He has been working in the telecommunications industry since 2001. He started his work as an IT administrator. In his professional life, he had the opportunity to participate in projects related to the planning and implementation of large carrier-class networks. In FCA, Fryderyk is Business Development Manager for IP/MPLS, xWDM, Carrier Ethernet, Security, SDH/PDH and SD-WAN

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