
How did the telecom operator separate customer traffic on a single fiber with a GPON connection?
What is GPON technology?It is increasingly common to see a fiber-optic network based on GPON technology. This is not surprising - it has great potential, due to the guarantee of fast and secure...

SD-WAN from the inside out – 7 terms you should know
Starting in 2000, SD-WAN was presented as an emerging technology for over a decade. The numerous tests associated with its implementation, its combination with other applications and the results...

Telecommunications trends by FCA experts
Continuous growth of demand for Data CentersBusinesses are generating more and more data, and the pandemic has only accelerated digitization in many enterprises. Demand for data center services is at...

Wi-Fi 6 – the new, better generation of Wi-Fi
Can you imagine a world without Wi-Fi?Most of us will answer this question with a negative. This wireless technology has become and still is a basic human need. Without it, it is hard to imagine...

Ruijie devices drive urban and municipal development in Urban-Xenet project
About the project Urban-Xenet is a project by Spanish telecommunications operator Xenet, which has been working for a long time to deploy Wi-Fi 6 infrastructure in the coastal municipality of...

How did the telecom operator launch more services using only one fiber?
What challenges does the market currently face?The telecommunications industry has faced very rapid growth in the amount and type of data.The next-generation network - 5G - driving the development of...

The SkyWrap system will increase the capacity of your overhead network
The SkyWrap system is a durable and completely safe network densification system using existing power infrastructure, manufactured by AFL since 1982. The densification of fibres in given sections of...

How did a telecom operator optimally increase the transmission capacity of his network?
From the beginning. What challenges is the market currently facing? The demand for bandwidth is increasing day by day. The consumption of ever-increasing amounts of data is a result of both the...

Ekahau, the first step to building a Wi-Fi network
That a wireless network is essential for running a business is a fact. But the challenge is getting the network up and running and maintaining it in such a way that it works properly and grows as...