National Recovery and Resilience Plan

The FCA is implementing a broadband project funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan under investment C.1.1.1 – ‘Providing access to very high speed internet in white spaces’.
With support from the European Union, we are creating a fibre-optic infrastructure that will allow equal and open access to modern telecommunications services, providing access to very fast internet in digitally excluded areas.
EU funding for the project: 55 044 000,00 PLN
Total value of the project: 61 160 000,00 PLN

We are eliminating ‘white spaces’ and developing a digital Poland:
- High-speed internet for residents - connection of approx. 17,000 households
- Infrastructure available to operators - equal rules for using the built network
- Support for the development of local communities - improved access to modern telecommunications services
- Elimination of investment barriers - construction of networks in places where access to NGA networks has so far been impossible
FCA's investments include:
- Design and agreements - development of construction and detailed designs and obtaining necessary approvals
- Construction of NGA broadband network - implementation of optical fibre infrastructure under the ‘design and build’ formula
- Earthworks and installation - pipelines, drilling, underground and overhead infrastructure
- Assembly and configuration of infrastructure - telecommunication wells, couplers, switch boxes, cable trays
- Tests and measurements - reflectometric testing of the network, quality verification and final acceptance
- Provisioning of the network to operators - open infrastructure for the benefiting operators

The creation of a modern fibre optic network, open to Beneficiary Operators.

Connecting around 17 000 households to ultra-fast internet.

Improving the quality of life for residents through modern digital infrastructure.

Increasing the competitiveness of local businesses through improved access to digital services.

Development of telecommunications services in areas with limited NGA infrastructure.

Elimination of investment barriers that have so far prevented network development in these regions.
Areas covered by the project
As part of NRP3, FCA is implementing projects in various regions of Poland, covering 11 locations in four provinces with investments.
A full list of areas with funding values can be found below:

With NRP support, we are implementing projects that accelerate digital development and provide access to high-speed internet in previously excluded areas. Contact us!