May 17 is World Information Society Day! 

This is a special day, associated with the development of information technology and the Internet.


On this occasion, we start a series of weekly posts in which our Experts will present the main trends in the world of telecommunications. And what is the first of them?


Continuous growth of demand for Data Centers
Businesses are generating more and more data, and the pandemic has only accelerated digitization in many enterprises. Demand for data center services is at a record high.

Technology analyst and research company Gartner predicts that global spending on data center services will increase by 11.4 percent in 2022, to $226 billion. What are the main conclusions of this forecast?

✅ Telecom operators will introduce new services.
✅ There will be new Hyperscale data centers but also smaller ones critical to the development of 5G networks.
✅ Increased confidence in cloud technologies due to the guarantee of security and fast data availability.


Do you want to know more about FCA solutions for Data Centers? We invite you to read the interview with our Expert Krzysztof Karczewski.


Krzysztof Karczewski
Business Line Manager

698 699 721



He has worked in the industry for 20 years, which means he knows everything about fiber optics. His career path at FCA led him to the position of Business Line Manager for the passive product offering. Krzysztof is eager to share his factual knowledge, guiding those interested through the meanders of fiber optic solutions. For this reason, you can often meet Krzysztof on our webinars.